Home News Backstage Update On Alberto Del Rio’s Release

Backstage Update On Alberto Del Rio’s Release


There are a lot of mixed feelings backstage in WWE regarding Alberto Del Rio’s release last week.

As we’ve been reporting, Del Rio was fired after slapping WWE social media manager Cody Barbierri in the face. The slap was allegedly resulted from Barbierri making a racist comment about Del Rio and refusing to apologize for it.

Barbierri is still employed by WWE as of this writing.

While many people are upset to see him go, he’s also been criticized for having a cocky, negative attitude. Over the past year, Del Rio did multiple interviews where he talked about his career winding down and looking forward to life after WWE.

There is still some speculation that Del Rio and his former manager Ricardo Rodriguez will team up in another promotion, possibly AAA in Mexico.

(Source: f4wonline.com)