This article is an update to: WWE Sues Connecticut Secretary Of State For Censorship
To update the earlier report about WWE suing Connecticut’s Secretary of State for banning WWE merchandise when voters go to the polls in the Connecticut Senate race on 11/2, the following statement was released on Tuesday:
STAMFORD, Conn. – “The moment Connecticut Secretary of State Susan Bysiewicz issued an un-American, unconstitutional and discriminatory directive prohibiting voters from wearing WWE merchandise at the polls, Attorney General Richard Blumenthal should have immediately stepped in to enforce the law. As a result of the Attorney General’s inaction, I brought suit to enforce these basic, fundamental constitutional rights. Within hours of filing the lawsuit, Blumenthal recused himself, and Bysiewicz reversed her position and immediately notified all Local Registrar of Voters and Town Clerks via email. I am pleased that Connecticut voters have had their freedom of expression and their right to vote restored,” said Vince McMahon, Chairman and CEO, World Wrestling Entertainment.
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