Home News Barrett Comments On Deportation Rumor, Calls Slater “Dumb”

Barrett Comments On Deportation Rumor, Calls Slater “Dumb”


The latest issue of WWE Magazine features an interview with Wade Barrett and he comments on a rumor that occurred last year indicating that both he and Drew McIntyre had been deported from the United States due to their respective work visas expiring. Neither wrestler was deported, but in Barrett’s case, he had to return to the United Kingdom to apply for a new work visa.

Regarding the rumor, Barrett said, “I once read a rumor that I’d been deported. After the original Nexus invasion, it was reported that WWE had failed to arrange my necessary working papers. Allegedly, there had been a mix-up or a huge oversight, and the Internet claimed both Drew McIntyre and I had been deported. Nonsense.

“I’ve come to realize how little attention I should pay to the “news” as reported online.”

Barrett was also asked on resisting the urge to punch Heath Slater in the face everytime he sees him backstage.

“I pride myself on being an intelligent human being. I encourage other people to educate themselves as well. And, without of a doubt, Heath Slater is the dumbest human being I’ve ever met,” Barrett says.

“I love Heath; he’s a great guy. But Heath Slater is an imbecile. I can tolerate his ridiculous haircut and his over-the-top mannerisms—floating around the room and such—but when he opens his mouth, my blood really starts to boil.”