The cast of the 24th James Bond film Spectre was announced on Thursday morning, with former WWE Superstar Batista landing the role of Mr. Hinx. A casting call for the role described Hinx as:
“Ideally over 6? 2?. Hinx is the main henchman/assassin. We are looking for an imposing extremely physically fit actor. He has several fights with Bond and will have to have stunt training. He has to drive. We are looking for someone very unusual, possibly from a sports background.”
Spectre, which is scheduled to be released October 23rd, 2015 in the U.K. and November November 6th, 2015 the U.S , begins shooting tomorrow at Pinewood Studios in England. Additional shooting is scheduled for Austria, Rome and possibly Morocco.
…David Bautista as Mr Hinx
— James Bond (@007) December 4, 2014
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