Home News Big Names Tapped For Upcoming “Legends of Wrestling” Shows

Big Names Tapped For Upcoming “Legends of Wrestling” Shows


Jim Ross stated on Twitter that he will in Stamford, Connecticut next Wednesday to tape episodes of WWE Classics On Demand’s roundtable discussion show, Legends of Wrestling. He will be joined by “Rowdy” Roddy Piper, Diamond Dallas Page, Michael Hayes and host “Mean” Gene Okerlund.

“One show will address many of the rogues, outlaws, mavericks, etc that have dotted the pro wrestling landscape over the years. Men and women who were strong, independent thinkers and who, at times, were major a pain in the ass for promoters,” Ross added on his official website.

“The second topic is scheduled to be the impact that athletes and celebrities from outside the world of wrestling have played in the business. The celeb card has been played for decades including guys like Joe Louis and Rocky Marciano being special referees. I’ve tried to forget Jay Leno ‘wrestling’ once upon a time but I will have plenty to say about that hideous idea.”