Big Show Names His Favorite Opponent, How Vince McMahon Asked Him To Come Back
WWE Superstar The Big Show was a recent guest on “Stone Cold” Steve Austin’s Broken Skull Sessions show on the WWE Network. During their conversation, Show reflected on how Vince McMahon contacted him to come back to in-ring action before naming who his favorite opponent is.
Looking back to his comeback in January, Big Show explained how he was only asked by Vince a few days before RAW aired. “I did a little thing on RAW with Kevin Owens and Samoa Joe. I got that call on a Friday night at midnight,” he said.
“Literally, I was setting my alarm to go to the gym Saturday morning [and] Vince texted me 12:02 a.m. No, [McMahon] doesn’t [text a lot]. Like, I mean, I think he’d rather pull his eardrums out and dive on a pitchfork than talk to me. But anyway, I look at the text and it says [imitating McMahon], ‘can you go Monday?’ And I was like, ‘go where and for what?’ He said, ‘I need you in a match Monday.’ ‘Single or tag?’ ‘Tag.’ ‘Yep, I’m good.'”
Big Show’s Favorite Opponent
Big Show has an extensive history performing in the ring. He has faced off against some of the greatest Superstars during his long career. When asked who his favorite opponent of all time is, Show not only revealed who is favorite opponent is, but also who his toughest opponent is.
“In the ring, John Cena, as far as we did good business, we made a crap-ton of money, and it was zero headaches with John. Toughest [opponent], like I knew I had been in a fight, was Sheamus. Like, I was covered in bruises with Sheamus. He will lay it in!”
Big Show is currently scheduled to return to appear on Monday Night RAW over the first few weeks of March 2020.
H/T to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.