Home News Big Show Says WWE Is Keeping Talent Safe During Pandemic

Big Show Says WWE Is Keeping Talent Safe During Pandemic

Big Show Says WWE Is Keeping Talent Safe During Pandemic
Big Show

Not only was Big Show’s new series on Netflix released recently, but he also received a WWE title shot on Monday’s edition of RAW. According to the big man, he’s not worried about wrestling during the ongoing pandemic. He told TMZ recently that WWE is being very cautious with its performers and keeping everyone safe.

“I think anyway of escaping is good,” Big Show said during the interview. “Any way that people can find escaping whether it’s in a book whether it’s in your favorite program on TV or favorite streaming service or break out your favorite board game at home. Whatever you can do to stay engaged, to take your mind off everything that’s going on.”

“My attitude is if they need me, I’m always willing to help and do whatever I can to help,” Show said about WWE.

He was then asked if he felt safe going out there and performing during this time.

“Absolutely 100%. Our Performance Center, the way it’s set up, the way it’s been shot, the way that our company is taking this very seriously and at the same time still being able to provide some type of escape for our fans to keep our fans engaged, I think it’s a win-win for everyone.”

Big Show’s comments can be heard in the player below: