Home News Bill DeMott Breaks His Silence Regarding WWE Resignation, Rants About Entitled Millennials

Bill DeMott Breaks His Silence Regarding WWE Resignation, Rants About Entitled Millennials


Former WWE head developmental trainer Bill DeMott was recently interviewed on Vince Russo’s podcast and discussed his resignation from WWE following widespread allegations of abusive behavior towards his students.

Here’s what DeMott had to say about ‘millennials’ and their sense of entitlement:

“I always use the term it’s never the quarterback, it’s the coach. Millennials, I think right that’s what this generation is called the millennials. I think it’s in the whole world. So what I can say and what I will say is as a dad as you are, as I am, I try to figure that out to keep my children away from that entitlement.

I guess it’s old school that you get what you earn and you try to earn what you want. I think that’s all I am going to say about that because I think no matter what the case, Walmart, Publix, IBM, I always use IBM I don’t know why, I go to a lot of management seminars and that’s a lot of the conversation, the opening conversation: ‘What do we do when they don’t like that?’ And I want to walk out because I’m not going to learn anything if I’m still trying to figure out.

It’s tough, it’s going to be tough for whoever has to figure out what they want tomorrow.”