Home News Billy Graham Set To Have Multiple Toes Partially Amputated

Billy Graham Set To Have Multiple Toes Partially Amputated

Billy Graham Set To Have Multiple Toes Partially Amputated
"Superstar" Billy Graham

‘Superstar ‘Billy Graham is scheduled to undergo surgery.

The WWE Hall of Famer announced on his Facebook page that he has some infections in his toes and his Mayo Clinic surgery will amputate a few of them. 

Graham mentioned that he will not be active on social media as he’ll be recovering and healing in between surgeries. He wrote the following: 

“Health Issues. Hi fans, nice shot here while working in Japan for you, enjoy. I have some infections in a few toes and my Mayo Clinic surgeon must do some partial amputations. This is going to take some time to recover from so I will be offline for a while.

If you good folks out there have any photos or thoughts you would like to put up in the meantime my FB is open for business. I just won’t be responding for the next 2 or 3 weeks, I have to heal up in between surgeries and it takes full concentration. Catch up with you all a little further down the line. Superstar Billy Graham.”

Graham has been battling health issues as late as this past September he checked into the Mayo Clinic for heart issues. Graham turned 79 years old on June 7th.