Home News Braun Strowman Says He is “Carrying on a Tradition” That is Fading in Wrestling

Braun Strowman Says He is “Carrying on a Tradition” That is Fading in Wrestling

Braun Strowman Says He is “Carrying on a Tradition” That is Fading in Wrestling

Braun Strowman is a freak of nature and proves that on a weekly basis on WWE television. He lifted The Nigerian Giant Omos up with ease at Crown Jewel and regularly displays athleticism that is not common for a man of his size. The 39-year-old is one of the last giants in wrestling and believes he is carrying on a fading tradition.

Giants will always have their place in wrestling but superstars are required to be more than just tall to get over with the crowd nowadays.

Strowman told Shakiel Mahjouri of CBS Sports that he is one of the last few of a “dying breed” and is carrying on the tradition of giants in wrestling in his mind.

Andre the Giant is sports entertainment. He is the reason why this industry is what it is. It’s world-renowned as a global entity. When you talk about WWE, you cannot mention this company without saying Andre the Giant.

So from him to the Big Show to Kane to Undertaker to Mark Henry to all these other giant men that have come and gone in this business, I’m one of the very last few of a dying breed of these dinosaurs, as I like to call it. So in my mind, I’m carrying on a tradition and a legacy that is fading.

Braun Strowman

Braun Strowman on Wanting to Show More of His Personality

The Monster of All Monsters drew the ire of fellow wrestlers after he poked fun at “flippy floppy” wrestlers following his impressive win at WWE Crown Jewel. Now, Braun himself has told CBS Sports that he can do a Moonsault but only if it is the right time.

I can do one, not a problem. It’s not a matter of being able to do one, it’s a matter of doing it at the right time.

Braun Strowman

Strowman added that even though he looks imposing, he’s a loving an articulate human in real life.

I look like this big, imposing, scary monster, but at the end of the day, I’m a passionate, caring, loving, outspoken human being. I’m not only able to portray I want to be able to be the monster side of things, but I want to show the world that there is more than it meets the eye. Don’t judge a book by its cover.

Braun Strowman

H/T: CBS Sports