Home News Bret Hart Comments On His Confrontation With Shawn Michaels

Bret Hart Comments On His Confrontation With Shawn Michaels


On his official website, Bret Hart commented on his return to World Wrestling Entertainment as well as his interaction with Shawn Michaels, writing:

“It’s hard to begin describing what a surrealistic feeling it was to walk out on the ramp to “Hitman” chants and my music pounding in my head. I want to say I was nervous but I wasn’t. Was this really happening? Was any of this possible? Had it really been 12 years? I have a lot of great memories from different times I wrestled in Dayton, Ohio over my 14-year WWE career, including winning the first ever King of the Ring, but the memory of the January 4th Monday Night Raw stands among the highest. Prior to the show, throughout the day, numerous WWE superstars and employees from all levels bent over backwards to make me feel at home. Many of them expressed to me how honored they were to be there on such as special night. Many of them seemed touched, if not emotional, in what I can only describe as one of the happiest nights in wrestling history.

It’s worth mentioning that although I did see Shawn earlier in the afternoon in the cafeteria, our in-ring face-off was unrehearsed and heartfelt on both sides and I can finally say that Shawn and I have finally made peace in what has been a long, draining, and sometimes pointless war of personalities. As for everything else that happened, on one hand, I finally found some closure. On the other hand, as far as Vince McMahon goes, I haven’t closed anything at all. I have a lot of friends in a lot of places and we’ll just have to see what happens next.”