Home News Bret Hart Discusses Return, Says Today’s Wrestlers Are No Fun

Bret Hart Discusses Return, Says Today’s Wrestlers Are No Fun


The Wrestling Press recently spoke to Bret Hart in an hour long interview, where the WWE Hall of Famer spoke indepth about his tell-all book Hitman: My Real Life in the Cartoon World of Wrestling, his return to World Wrestling Entertainment last year after a long absence, his relationship with Vince McMahon, winning the United States Championship last May, and much more.

In regards to his return last year, he admits to worrying that WWE wouldn’t give his legacy or fans the justice it deserves.

“I thought maybe when I come back that I would look at it and think I should have left it, why did I do it?” he said in reference to the ‘Montreal Screwjob’. “For example if (Shawn Michaels) had been pompous to me or had blew me off then it would have bothered me a lot and then it could have ended up with round two. But Shawn was really sincere and very grateful for being able to bury the hatchet with me.

“For me that was real and (Vince McMahon) was real too me too, and I think in the end [my return] turned out to be a better idea than we thought it would be.

“I never had much in the ways of regret. WWE didn’t have to hire me if they didn’t like what I wrote about them in the book, but they accepted that I was honest and true.

“I always thought that the only thing stopping me from going back was my pride, and the main reason why I did return was that I needed a goal and to do something different. I like to think I am pretty secure in my life and my savings so that was never a deciding factor. It’s been great rubbing shoulders with the likes of Randy Orton and all of these young guys. I didn’t want to ride off into the sunset as an angry, bitter, damn you all to hell kind of guy, which I thought I was coming across as. In hindsight now that it is done, I have said what I have said and we should all move on. I don’t hate the company. I don’t hate Vince McMahon, I don’t blame him for Owen’s death, none of it. I wanted to take a negative and turn it into a positive and peace is always better than war.”

He also discussed the contrasts between the WWE locker room of his day and today.

“They are completely different, the wrestlers of today,” he said. “I don’t even know if I could hang around with them they are so boring. They are like a bunch from a choir, they play video games and listen to their headphones, drink energy drinks and keep themselves to themselves. There is no beer drinking, no hell raising at all.”

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