Home News Bret Hart Interview: Montreal Screwjob, Greatest Rival, Antonio Cesaro

Bret Hart Interview: Montreal Screwjob, Greatest Rival, Antonio Cesaro


WWE Hall of Famer Bret Hart recently spoke to Metro.co.uk to promote the new WWE 2K14 video game. Here are some highlights of what he said about:

Favorite WrestleMania Memories: “WrestleMania was a very special event for me, a bit like an American footballer playing in the Superbowl. I was there from the second one in 1986 to WrestleMania XIII in 1997. Facing The Nasty Boys at WrestleMania VII was one of my best tag-team matches and solidified my solo career, which virtually commenced the next day. Then Rowdy Roddy Piper at WrestleMania VIII established that my style and storylines were always going to be a little different to Hulk Hogan or Sycho Sid [Sid Vicious].”

His Greatest Rival: “There was a happy rivalry with ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin in that he was a lot of fun to wrestle with, and I think I helped launch his career. But on the not so happy, the brilliant work I did with Shawn Michaels. You can never underestimate what we did at WrestleMania XII, even though it was the last match we had and part of the infamous Montreal Screwjob, it was still a fine match. I could have wrestled the Undertaker a few more hundred times as well.”

How He Now Views the Montreal Screwjob: “I’ve calmed down a lot. There were a lot of things I did to escalate that whole thing with [opponent] Shawn Michaels and [now WWE owner] Vince McMahon. I wouldn’t change anything I did in terms of my own conduct but I regret all of it. I wish I had never left the WWE but I’ve moved on. I went back and shook Shawn’s hand and it was good for everyone to bury the hatchet.”

Antonio Cesaro: “[He] is one of the best wrestlers going, if you ask me.”

Recap From Bret Hart’s Recent Q&A Session On Twitter