Home News Bret Hart On Goldberg Ending His Career, Getting Chopped By Ric Flair, WWE Hall Of Fame

Bret Hart On Goldberg Ending His Career, Getting Chopped By Ric Flair, WWE Hall Of Fame

Bret Hart On Goldberg Ending His Career, Getting Chopped By Ric Flair, WWE Hall Of Fame

WWE Hall of Famer Bret ‘Hitman’ Hart was a recent guest on the Prime Time with Sean Mooney podcast. During their conversation, Hart reflected on the tragic career-ending injury he sustained, courtesy of Goldberg. He also spoke about his inclusion into the WWE Hall of Fame, and what it was like to be chopped by Ric Flair.

“I wish that Bill Goldberg had never kicked me in the head as hard as he could,” Hart said. “I don’t know how you give a guy a Hall of Fame thing for hurting as many wrestlers as Bill Goldberg hurt, and without consequence – he usually got a pat on the back and told how good of job he did out there when you’re scraping the wrestler that worked with him off the mat.”

He continued, “When Bill Goldberg kicked me in the head I honest to god I lost about $16 million in like one second. I just signed with WCW for $3 million a year for another 3 years on top of the 2 years I had left on my original contract, so it was bad timing and unfortunate.”


Looking back at his time in-ring, Hart recalled being chopped “all the time” by ‘The Nature Boy’ Ric Flair. He admitted that they all hurt, describing how he would get blisters and a handprint on his chest that would last for three days. 

“I remember telling him, I said ‘Ric no more chops. ‘But he said ‘it’s part of my thing, I always do a chop, people expect it.’ I said ‘if you do a chop, I got a move I do. You go ahead and chop me, give me a big chop. I’ll sell it, I’ll give you my whole chest and everything. And then I’ll look at you – and I’ll punch you right in the mouth as hard as I can.’ And I remember Ric looked at me and said ‘are you kidding?’ I said ‘no I’m not; I’ll punch you right in the nose as hard as I can.’ We never did chops after that.”

“It Was Such Bulls**t”

Bret Hart was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame back in 2006. He was inducted once again earlier this year as a part of The Hart Foundation alongside his brother-in-law, the late Jim Neidhart. 

Looking back on his experience with the HOF, Hart said “So many wrestlers that were up there [in the Hall of Fame] never thanked anybody. They thanked Stephanie, and they thanked Vince, and they thanked Triple H, and I thought it was such bulls**t.”

He explained how “They should thank the wrestlers that made them, and the wrestlers that worked with them. I was so disappointed at how so many of them never thanked the wrestlers that went to all the trouble to help them. Most of them had no recollection of anyone helping them.”

H/T to Wrestlezone for the transcription.