Bret Hart Trashes Hulk Hogan, Talks HBK, Rock, Taker, More

WWE Hall of Famer Bret Hart played the “name association” game on Twitter this week and had a lot to say about Hulk Hogan, The Rock, Shawn Michaels, the Undertaker, Michael Cole, CM Punk, TNA and more.

Here are some of the highlights of what Bret wrote about the following @HitmanBretSHart:

The Rock: “When I was WWE Champion back in 1997, I often gave Dwayne (Johnson) all the advice I could. I remember watching him wrestle for the very first time and telling the wrestlers next to me that Dwayne was going to be the biggest superstars in the wrestling world and to mark my words.”

Hulk Hogan: “Hogan’s nothing but a two-faced, backstabbing, steroid freak who deserved everything he got.”

How He Would Improve TNA: “I’d have Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff tar and feathered.”

Michael Cole: “Michael Cole does a piss poor job of putting over a lot of the talent. He couldn’t lace Jim Ross’ shoes.”

Inducting Shawn Michaels into the WWE Hall of Fame. “I would like to induct Shawn, but Triple H makes more sense.”

Undertaker: “Undertaker is one of the most consummate professionals inside and outside the ring.”

C.M. Punk: “I think he’s uniquely gifted. By the time his career is over, he’ll be recognized for his greatness.”

Bill Goldberg: “I have great respect for Goldberg. What happened to me was an accident.”

Daniel Bryan: “Has the best submission in wrestling today.”

His Favorite Match Not Involving Himself: “Lesnar vs. Angle at WrestleMania”

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