Home News Bret Hart Talks WrestleMania 29, His Brother Owen & More

Bret Hart Talks WrestleMania 29, His Brother Owen & More


WWE Hall of Famer Bret Hart answered questions from fans on his Facebook page Thursday afternoon,  covering WrestleMania 29, his brother Owen and more. Here are some highlights of what he said about:

WrestleMania 29: “I thought Undertaker and Punk stole the show… I thought the two main events (Rock vs. Cena, Triple H vs. Lesnar) were more than predictable. Step by step. Overall I thought the show was good. The highlight of WrestleMania weekend for me was the induction of Bruno. All of the Hall of Famer recipients were great selections.”

John Cena vs. The Rock: “I thought they both worked really hard, and I’m glad that Cena won. But from an imagination stand point I saw the match that they gave about a year ago in my head… and absolutely nothing surprised me.”

Undertaker’s Streak Ending: “Let’s just say at WM 50 – Undertaker loses streak to Joe Henning… and he is pinned with the PerfectPlex at the 59 minute mark.”

Owen: “I honestly think my brother Owen would still be alive today” had the Montreal Screwjob not occurred.