Brie Bella has checked in with her latest “Bella Baby Watch” video chronicling her pregnancy. At 39 weeks, Brie is in “full term” and Birdie Joe Danielson could arrive any day now. In this latest video, Brie and Daniel Bryan discuss the latest developments and Brie shows off Bridie ‘waving to the Bella Army’ from inside the womb.
Brie Having Difficulty Getting Pregnant
On a recent episode of Total Divas, Brie opened up about her struggle to get pregnant.
“Since I retired from the ring, which was in April, I’ve been trying to conceive,” Brie explains. “My period’s always been on time, never had anything abnormal. Since I’ve been trying my period’s either two weeks late, it’s a week late, it’s three days late, five days late, it’s crazy.”
She added, “I don’t know if it’s something where I am conceiving but maybe there’s something going on with my body and it’s just not dropping it?”
Brie says she went “full on vegetarian” as part of her effort.
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