Home News Brie Bella Talks Starting A Family With Daniel Bryan; Jesse Ventura’s New JFK Book

Brie Bella Talks Starting A Family With Daniel Bryan; Jesse Ventura’s New JFK Book


-Former WWE Superstar and Governor of Minnesota, Jesse “The Body” Ventura, has officially released his new book, “They Killed Our President: 63 Reasons to believe There Was a Conspiracy to Assassinate JFK.” For more information, visit Long-Island.Newsday.com.

-WWE Diva Brie Bella recently spoke to the Democrat and Chronicle website as part of her promotional duties for the second-half of the debut season of the E! reality show, “Total Divas.” Bella spoke about her engagement to WWE Superstar Daniel Bryan, as well as her thoughts on settling down, becoming a mother and starting a family. You can check that out online at DemocratAndChronicle.com.

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