Home News Brock Lesnar vs. The Rock Pitched For WrestleMania 29, WWE Salute The Achilles Freedom Team, Shane Helms

Brock Lesnar vs. The Rock Pitched For WrestleMania 29, WWE Salute The Achilles Freedom Team, Shane Helms


– A member of WWE’s creative team suggested this week that Brock Lesnar perform a run-in during CM Punk’s WWE Championship defense against Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson next month at Royal Rumble. This would then lead to a match between Lesnar and Johnson at WrestleMania.

– General Motors and WWE salute the Achilles Freedom Team. See the following video message, featuring John Cena.

– Former WWE talent Shane Helms appears at The Wrestling Universe 34-29 Francis Lewis Blvd. Flushing, New York, on January 20, 2013 from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Call 718-460-2777 for more information.

(source: F4WOnline.com)