Home News Bubba Insults Kharma, TE Contestant Appearing At Indy Show

Bubba Insults Kharma, TE Contestant Appearing At Indy Show


— Bubba the Love Sponge insulted Kharma during his radio show on Friday as he aired the negative comments he said about her when the two were butting heads last year in TNA Wrestling. He added that she was going to be taken off television because she’s pregnant.

— Voting is ongoing on WWE.com for tomorrow night’s episode of NXT: Redemption. The contestant with the least votes will be eliminated from the competition.

Tough Enough contestant Ryan “Skidmarks” Howe and former WWE star Eugene are advertised to appear at Summer Xplosion VII on Sunday, June 26, 2011 in Huntington, West Virginia.

— Hornswoggle celebrated his 25th birthday Sunday.

source: F4WOnline.com