Home News Bushwhacker Luke Talks About Butch Challenging Vince McMahon Backstage, The Sheepherders

Bushwhacker Luke Talks About Butch Challenging Vince McMahon Backstage, The Sheepherders


Bushwhacker Luke recently spoke with The Tampa Tribune to promote his upcoming induction, alongside his tag-team partner Bushwhacker Butch, in this year’s WWE Hall Of Fame. Below are highlights from the interview.

On liking The Sheepherders team more than The Bushwhackers: “The Bushwhackers made me more money but — I hate to say it — I loved The Sheepherders more. Fans would sit down, stand up, sit back down and then stand up again when we wrestled. We had them really rooting against us. They wanted us to lose.”

On Bushwhacker Butch challenging Vince McMahon: “My partner hopped onto Vince’s desk and went nose to nose with him and said if you can make people cheer for these ugly faces, then try. We didn’t believe it could happen”

Check out the complete interview at TBO.com.