Home News Triple H Comments On His Injury & Carlito Mocks Him

Triple H Comments On His Injury & Carlito Mocks Him


– WWE.com has an article looking at Triple H’s appearance at Saturday night’s Floyd Mayweather fight in Las Vegas. The article states that Triple H has been wearing a “mechanical brace that offers various ranges of motion and, fortunately, versatile enough to remove for media photo opportunities while in attendance for the major boxing event.”

Triple H told the WWE website that there’s a lot of misinformation being reported about his injury.

— Selling Monday’s injury, Chief Operating Officer of WWE Triple H could be seen wearing a small sling over his broken left arm as he accompanied undefeated boxing champion Floyd Mayweather, Jr. to the ring for his highly anticipated bout against Miguel Cotto on Saturday night in Las Vegas, Nevada. Believing that Triple H decided to appear uninjured at the event, former WWE Superstar Carlito commented via Twitter: “I just saw triple h in mayweathers corner! Apparently his arm has already healed. Thank the lord for miracles!”

He added further, “Correction, triple h was wearing a sling…and not many people know that a sling works a lot better than a cast for a broken arm! Right?”