Home News Cena & Nikki Invited To White House Dinner, Rusev Done With LON, Cody Writing Dusty Book

Cena & Nikki Invited To White House Dinner, Rusev Done With LON, Cody Writing Dusty Book

Cena & Nikki Invited To White House Dinner, Rusev Done With LON, Cody Writing Dusty Book

– John Cena and Nikki Bella have been invited to President Obama’s final White House Correspondents Dinner this Saturday, according to the Wrestling Observer Newsletter.

– WWE won 3 Cynopsis Sports Media Awards this past week, including best streaming content service, best mobile app and best social media campaign for Conor’s Cure. It was also announced this week that the WWE Network won a Webby Award for the best online sports channel/network.

– Rusev confirms that he’s done with the dissolving League of Nations stable:

– Cody Rhodes revealed that he’s writing a book about his father, the late “American Dream” Dusty Rhodes:
