Home News Cesaro Swears Off Doing Topes After Botched Spot at Clash of Champions

Cesaro Swears Off Doing Topes After Botched Spot at Clash of Champions


On Tuesday, Cesaro decided to get memetic with this tweet about the nasty spill that he took at WWE Clash of Champions on Sunday:


Whether or not he’s expressing his actual intentions in a lighthearted way after landing on his head Sunday remains to be seen. It’s not something that’s been part of his regular repertoire, so we should probably take him at face value for now. While Cesaro is well regarded  by both fans and fellow wrestlers alike for his smoothness and body control in the ring, he’s usually singled out as more of a “base,” that is, the wrestler catching dives and taking moves. When he does that, he’s as good as anyone in the world, especially in WWE where much of the talent trained in house appears to be lacking when it comes to skill at catching dives.

That said, even if he was wrestling himself, this still may have happened: