Charlotte On Rise Of NXT Women’s Division, Losing Her Main Roster Debut Match

Former NXT Women’s Champion Charlotte spoke with Brian Fritz of Sporting News to promote Sunday’s WrestleMania 31 event. Below are highlights from the interview.

On the rise of the NXT women’s division: “Honestly, I want to go back, it started with Emma and Paige at Arrival. I really think that sparked the interest of the writers. I want to say Triple H has always been hands on, but since then like, ‘okay, we’ve got a lot of hungry women down here that really want it that will continue to work hard that know how to work.’ From Arrival, then it was me and (Natalya’s) match, and I feel like we continue to get better each and every time. Starting with Arrival, it was eye opening to everyone and it was, ‘okay, they killed it, let’s see if they can kill it again.’”

On losing her main roster debut match on RAW: “I guess I can understand why people were so vocal because they’re used to seeing me in longer matches. For me, I was like, heck yeah, here is the NXT Women’s Champion showing up on Raw. To me it was the main roster giving NXT as a whole a chance to be seen. Whether it was 30 minutes or whether it was four minutes, I still got the NXT Title on television.”

Check out the complete interview at


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