Chelsea Green says she fears the day when she has to become a babyface.
The WWE star has become one of the most entertaining names on the current roster since her return in early 2023. Mixing her unique heel tactics with her incredible character work, Green has become one of the most over stars in the company.
The former TNA star was asked about playing the villain on TV during a new interview with Canucks Central. She explained that she’s always had fun playing the heel character because she loves talking shit:
“I mean, I always had fun stepping into a villain character, in a villain role, and playing that bad guy. There are also the other half that obviously like to be the hero. They like to be the good guy. They like to be cheered.” said Chelsea Green,
“But for me, I just….there’s something so authentic about talking shit honestly. Just being nasty, and saying the thoughts that you never actually let come to the surface. You can kind of play with that as a heel in wrestling. I have so much fun doing it. I’m going to fear for the day where I have to be the good guy.”
Chelsea also talked about being part of the ongoing Women’s US Title tournament to crown the inaugural champion. She said she is already thinking about what she can do with the title if she wins the competition.
Green is set to face Bayley in the semifinals of the tournament. The winner would then compete in the finals set to take place at Saturday Night’s Main event on December 14.