R&B singer Chris Brown has responded to the scathing video CM Punk tweeted on Tuesday night, which you can read watch here in case you missed it
“@cmpunk the video u just posted was cute! It’s so funny how defensive u are.
And the fact that I really don’t know who you are and could give a shit is the funny part!
I really hope this 15 minutes of fame is paying you for the long run becuz music last forever! Wrestlers come and go according to ratings!
Ok back to rehearsal! Love u team breezy
Just so teambreezy knows… I’m never “ANGRY” when I speak my mind on twitter! They want me to be mad! Thats the difference! Love
I miss the real wrestlers! ( Hacksaw Jim duggan, Brett the hitman heart, coco beware, rowdy roddy piper) #Notnopunks
This shit funny!
Bret “the hitman” Hart! ***** typo
@KREAYSHAWN u got that one! Goldberg was the shit!
THE ROCK #Notnopunks
Number one trend! IM DONE!
We got them #Notnopunks tshirts on deck! Ask @TwonABMG and @Bighoodboss for yall sizes! Lol
68 responses to “Chris Brown Responds To Punk’s Video, Says He’s Done”