Chris Jericho Defends DDP Yoga, Ryder Talks About His Character

– In part two of CM Punk and Chris Jericho’s WrestleMania diaries, Jericho defends his use of DDP Yoga, which Punk said was a joke and “not real yoga” earlier this week:

“All I know is that DDP Yoga works for me. It’s the best training I’ve had in my life and it’s funny how I’ve been wrestling 10 years longer than CM Punk, but he’s the one who’s always walking around with more ice on him than an eskimo in February. I’m pain-free.”

– Zack Ryder was interviewed by the The Miami Herald this week and said this about his “Broski” character:

“This character, if you look at the Internet and the colanders, was way before ‘Jersey Shore’ hit TV. It was probably even before ‘Jersey Shore’ was auditioning or casting for their first season. This wasn’t a ‘Jersey Shore’ rip-off. This was Long Island, where I grew up. I thought it would make me different and stand out. Everyone needs to be different. Maybe I was a little goofy behind the scenes or backstage, but once that bell rang, it was no joke.”


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