Last week, World Wrestling Entertainment responded to claims former wrestler Chris Nowinski made regarding the company’s business practices under Senate candidate Linda McMahon’s leadership. Political news outlet The Hill published his response today to WWE’s statement.
* WWE’s claim that Lance Cade was a stranger to Nowinski: “It is very dubious that he ever had a conversation with Lance Cade much less Lance Cade confiding to a total stranger that he used painkillers and steroids.”
Nowinski responded: “They don’t think I’ve ever met my 2003 tag team partner in the WWE developmental system who I worked with in Cincinnati and Louisville in 2002-2003 almost daily and saw regularly while working with WWE until 2007?
“Linda [McMahon] can spend $24 million on a campaign, you’d think they could hire a decent PR person.”
* WWE’s response to Nowinski’s claim regarding steroids: “He states WWE suggested that its performers take steroids. However, at no time does he ever state that it was suggested that he do so.”
Nowinski replied: ?”The point I was making was that they reward people who take steroids.”
* Nowinski not notifying WWE of his concussion history: “Chris Nowinski did not reveal, as required, that he suffered previous concussions before signing his contract with WWE.”
He responded: “[I] was unaware that I had a concussion history until the last one.”
Nowinski felt he had to speak out due to McMahon’s public position.
“When someone would disrespect a deceased former employee, when she’s seeking [a Senate seat], as a patriot you have to say something,” Nowinski said. “You want to make sure good people are in those jobs.”
To read Nowinski’s complete response, click here.
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