Home News Christian Talks RETRIBUTION Leader Having “A Lot of Untapped Potential”

Christian Talks RETRIBUTION Leader Having “A Lot of Untapped Potential”

Christian Talks RETRIBUTION Leader Having “A Lot of Untapped Potential”

Former WWE/TNA Superstar and multiple time World Champion Christian recently appeared on SiriusXM’s Busted Open Radio. Christian appeared on the show to discuss the release of the new Cagefighter movie.

Christian also discussed a number of other topics, including the RETRIBUTION stable and angle on Monday Night RAW. Captain Charisma would state that the new leader of the group, Ali, is an exciting prospect in the role.

Christian on Ali in Retribution

“I think that he’s got a lot of untapped potential” Christian began on the podcast. We haven’t really had a chance to see any layers of his personality, I don’t think. And? I think that there’s a lot there.”

Ali was recently revealed as the leader of the RETRIBUTION group. Ali would align with the group on RAW shortly before the WWE Draft. The casting of such a ‘fringe’ character on WWE programming to such a prominent role was risky; however Christian believes that WWE have the chance to develop Ali further alongside the likes of T-BAR.

“I’m interested to see how that unfolds and how he builds on it” Christian continued. “Now? He’s got an opportunity. That’s what you know everybody needs, that opportunity to show what they can do and he’s got it now.”

Christian would finish by praising Ali further, saying that he hopes the newly ‘heel’ Ali can flourish in the role. “I’m really really interested and hoping that he can hit it out of the park on this.”

It was recently reported that WWE opted to send a RETRIBUTION member ‘back’ to NXT. Pwinsider.com reported that Mercedes Martinez had been removed from Retribution after she had been assigned the “Retaliation” name. There’s currently no confirmation on why WWE decided to take this route with Martinez.

Do you agree with Christian? Do you think that Ali will be able to get higher up the roster with RETRIBUTION? Let us know in the comments