Home News Clay Comments On His Debut, Vince Featured In Anti-Romney Ad

Clay Comments On His Debut, Vince Featured In Anti-Romney Ad


– Brodus Clay was interviewed backstage after RAW after making his debut as the Funkasaurus. Clay says despite his fun-loving demeanor and sweet ass dance moves, rest assured – the WWE locker room should take him seriously and if you have any questions about that, ask [what’s left of] Curt Hawkins. The video can be seen at WWE.com.

– WWE Chairman Vince McMahon is ironically featured in a new political ad attacking Presidential candidate Mitt Romney. McMahon, a staunch Republican, is featured in an ad by the Democratic National Committee mocking Mitt Romney’s gaffe from this week where he said he likes firing people. Not only are the McMahons both Republicans, but Linda publicly endorsed Mitt Romney for President and Vince McMahon donated $2,500 to Romney’s campaign back in November.

Footage of various television shows and movies are shown with people saying “You’re Fired” and Vince McMahon appears at the end, check it out here: