Home News CM Punk Banged Up At WrestleMania, Time Constraint Issues, Talent Upset & More

CM Punk Banged Up At WrestleMania, Time Constraint Issues, Talent Upset & More


– CM Punk banged up his knee last night during the spot where he dove off the top rope onto the Undertaker, who was laying on the announcers table. People backstage were amazed that Punk didn’t slow down his pace because he was in a lot of pain backstage afterwards. Punk is rumored to be taking some much-deserved time off in the coming weeks.

– Several of WWE’s mid-card talents were not in great spirits on WrestleMania because they were not booked on the show.

– WWE’s decision to eliminate the 8-person mixed tag team match from the WrestleMania card was made before the show went on the air.

– A few minutes were cut from the Alberto Del Rio vs. Jack Swagger match at WrestleMania due to time constraints.

– The reason there were no fireworks to open WrestleMania 29 was due to the sun still being out. Additionally, there was some concern that the fireworks would overshadow the Hurricane Sandy video with Governor Chris Christie.

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(Source: PWInsider.com)