Home News CM Punk Explains Special Logo On His Gear At WWE Payback

CM Punk Explains Special Logo On His Gear At WWE Payback


The Chicago Tribune published a new Q&A feature with WWE Superstar CM Punk about his love for hockey, and the Chicago Blackhawks in particular.

In the piece, Punk mentions having the Chicago Blackhawks logo on his trunks and boots on Sunday night for his match in Chicago at WWE Payback against Chris Jericho.

Punk said of the logo on his gear, “I knew I wanted to make the gear to support my team; that was the basis of it.”

When speaking about the logo itself, Punk said, “The logo is actually a little bit of a cross between the Blackhawks logo and my logo. If you look really closely at the top of the two tomahawks, it’s a little fist with an ‘X’ on it.”

Check out the full Q&A feature online at ChicagoTribune.com.

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