Home News CM Punk Injured & When His Contract Expires, RVD Taking Time Off Soon

CM Punk Injured & When His Contract Expires, RVD Taking Time Off Soon


– Rob Van Dam will be taking time off from WWE in a few weeks. Van Dam’s current WWE contract has him working 90-day blocks, where’ll tour with WWE for 3 months and then can take time off before returning for another 3 months.

– CM Punk has been working injured for several weeks now, which has often been the case for Punk over the past several years. Punk has been working a very light schedule at WWE live events lately because his knee and ankle are injured, but he’s also dealing with other nagging injuries. He’s expected to be off WWE television for another week or two in order to recover from Ryback’s recent attack and allow him time to heal up.

With Punk’s WWE contract expiring next summer, a lot of people are wondering if he’ll stay with the company or follow through on his previous statements that he’ll be retiring “sooner than later.”

(Partial Source: PWInsider.com)