Home News Punk-Cole, Trending Topics, Miz & Maryse Party In NYC

Punk-Cole, Trending Topics, Miz & Maryse Party In NYC


– The storyline between CM Punk and Michael Cole is expected to continue. As seen at Survivor Series last night, Cole was wearing the sling on his arm from the recent Punk attack.

– WWE terms trending last night during Survivor Series included The People’s Elbow, The Miz, The Rock, CM Punk, Anaconda Vice, MSG Chants, The Fink, Alberto Del Rio, Daniel Bryan, HBK, Macho Man, Sexual Chocolate, Big Show vs. Mark Henry, Hunico, RKO, Team Barrett, Kofi Kingston, Sin Cara, Randy Orton, Mason Ryan, Cody Rhodes, Glam Slam, Beth Phoenix, Dolph Ziggler, JoMo and WeWantRyder.

— Colt Cabana was trending worldwide on Twitter during Survivor Series because WWE posted this video before the WWE Championship Match where Punk said he was going to go win the strap. Punk concludes his message by saying “Colt Cabana, how ya doing?”

— Former WWE Diva Maryse Ouellet traveled with The Miz to New York City this weekend. The couple also attended Google and T-Mobile’s launch party for Google Music last Wednesday in Los Angeles, California.

— WWE returns to the Rabobank Arena in Bakersfield, California on Sunday, February 12, 2012 at 5:00 p.m.

(source: PWInsider.com)