CM Punk Teases WWE Ice Cream Bars Are Returning

CM Punk’s quest to resurrect WWE’s beloved ice cream bars continues.

During an interview with the WWE website, Punk talks about his new ice cream bar t-shirt, which he wore this past weekend at Night of Champions. Punk tells that if the Good Humor ice cream company doesn’t want to bring them back – there’s other companies that do.

“I want the freakin’ ice cream bars back! I’m still working on that. But in the meantime, I’m going to keep shoving it down people’s throats. Because everyone likes ice cream, which goes in your mouth and then goes down your throat.

“You know what? There are other ice cream companies out there. Good Humor, we’re giving you a gift. We’re giving you an option here, and if you don’t want to take it, we will sell our wares elsewhere.

I love ice cream. What can I say? I’m a skinny fat-a**.”

Late Wednesday night, Punk wrote the following on Twitter:

“My day of hustling is over. Many steps were taken to get ice cream bars. Now it’s gym time. The future is bright and tastes like vanilla.”


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