Home News CM Punk To SmackDown? Ryder’s Push, New Swagger Show

CM Punk To SmackDown? Ryder’s Push, New Swagger Show


– During a recent WWE creative meeting, the idea was pitched of moving CM Punk to the SmackDown brand later in 2012, to help provide the show with additional star power. Punk has not been a strong ratings draw on RAW, so the idea is that his character could be more of an asset on SmackDown, where he could continue to deliver great matches and promos without having to be relied upon to deliver ratings.

– Speaking of the WWE champion, Punk is the driving force behind Zack Ryder’s recent push.

– Jack Swagger has launched a new online video series called “Topless Q&A.” Swagger answers questions from fans while at home with his shirt off. If you’re into that sort of thing, Head over to Beeyoo.com/RealJackSwagger.

(Partial source: f4wonline.com)