Cody Rhodes spoke with Here are some highlights from the interview.
Shaving his mustache as a match stipulation: “I know that you can’t shave anything – your head, your facial hair. You can’t do anything like that in sports entertainment unless it’s public. I’m pretty confident you’ll see the mustache on the line somewhere down the line. Extreme Rules would be a wonderful venue for it. I don’t know if the WWE Universe would be very stoked about a mustache being on the line when the title of the pay-per-view is Extreme Rules. But I guess I extremely want to keep it.”
People staring at Daniel Bryan: “Man, from when he showed up clean-cut, all-American guy to this now, it’s ridiculous. I was on a plane with him a few days ago, and people are always staring at him. In this case, they’re just looking at how this man with this legitimate cavemanlike beard is sitting up in first class. I want to know his story.”
Being afraid of Morgan Freeman: “That was such a bizarre thing. I did an interview in London, and that’s where the challenge was laid out. A young man asked me who was a celebrity that I’d like mixing it up with, and I tried to give him an answer other than an action star. Now look what I’ve gotten myself into. Now I’m going to see Morgan Freeman somewhere down the line, and he’s going to end up cold-cocking me in the face, and I’m going to feel horrible.”
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