Home News Damien Sandow Cuts A Shoot Promo Before RAW On The WWE Network

Damien Sandow Cuts A Shoot Promo Before RAW On The WWE Network


Damien Sandow cut a shoot-style promo on the WWE pre-show that aired on the WWE Network prior to RAW.

Sandow ripped his RAW segment with Hugh Jackman, saying he doesn’t have a wear a superhero costume to get TV time. He said that he’ll probably get stuck tag teaming with Yoshi Tatsu, but he’s got something to say. When his microphone was cut off, he got in Josh Matthews face and asked him if he was afraid.

Sandow said something about WWE being a publicly traded company, but his comments were inaudible due to the mic being cut. He tweeted the following about the segment:

He later lost to Cody Rhodes clean on RAW.