Home News Full Story On Daniel Bryan’s WWE Release (POLL)

Full Story On Daniel Bryan’s WWE Release (POLL)


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Bryan Danielson

WWE announced on Friday that NXT season 1 rookie Daniel Bryan (Bryan Danielson) was released effective immediately and wished him the best in all future endeavors. People in WWE, including the creative team, were told that Danielson was fired for his conduct during the NXT Invasion angle on last week’s RAW. He was shown choking ring announcer Justin Roberts with his own tie during and spit on WWE champion John Cena during the heated angle.

The industry buzz is that a very powerful person outside of WWE complained to Vince McMahon about Danielson’s choking of Justin Roberts and deemed it too violent for WWE’s PG audience. There’s talk that Danielson broke a company protocol that was put in place after the Chris Benoit tragedy that nobody is to use ropes or other objects to choke opponents. Exactly who made the complaint isn’t known. but there’s speculation that it could be someone from Linda McMahon’s Senate campaign.

Read More: Jim Ross Comments On Daniel Bryan’s WWE Release & Future

The within WWE is that Bryan Danielson is being thrown under the bus. The company apparently does want to bring him back once the whole thing blows over. He has a 90-day no compete clause, but after that time would be free to join TNA.

For what it’s worth, Danielson has been described as having a great attitude backstage during his brief WWE run and was liked by most.

Bryan Danielson changed his Twitter account from to Twitter.com/bryandanielson. He wrote on Saturday:

“Just changed my twitter name to Bryan Danielson. The winds of change are stirring.”

On Sunday, he followed up with:

“Biding my time, waiting for the right moment to speak.”

Update: WWE Champion John Cena has posted a lengthy message on Twitter regarding Danielson’s WWE release. Check it out here: John Cena Comments On Daniel Bryan’s WWE Release