Home News Daniel Bryan Resurfaces Showing Off His Gardening Skills

Daniel Bryan Resurfaces Showing Off His Gardening Skills


If you miss Daniel Bryan, then here’s a brand new 25 minutes of him for you to watch. He’s in his element…well, the one that isn’t pro wrestling. As many fans are aware of, one of Bryan’s biggest passions is the environment, with a goal of being able to be fully self-sustainable.

Along with his wife Brie Bella in their alter-egos of Bryan and Brianna Danielson, they talk with “The Vegan Athlete” Jake Mace about desert gardening in the video embedded above. Being that he’s been out of action for a while but not necessarily injured, he’s able to remain active and has been building up a garden behind his and Brianna’s house.  Being that they live in Phoenix, Arizona, this is easier said than done.

In the video, Bryan talks about going to Mace’s tour of his house nearby, where he has a gigantic garden outside. So being that he grew up gardening in the much more forgiving climate, Mace was a good starting point for learning how to get a garden going in the desert. They talk about growing cherry trees, kale, and all sorts of other good stuff. It’s actually pretty interesting, so check it out.