-WWE Superstar Darren Young, who came out of the closet as a homosexual this past Thursday, recently took to Twitter to address the rumors of his past relationship with WWE Diva Tamina Snuka. Young wrote:
“If I could just lay this rumor to rest & simply say @taminasnuka is like a sister 2 me & we have never dated. Sorry Tamina.”
-Former WWE Diva Kharma (aka Awesome Kong) is scheduled to appear on an upcoming episode of the “Double Divas” reality show on the Lifetime Network. The show focuses on two lingerie shop owners in Georgia. Kharma tweeted about the upcoming appearance, writing:
“Thank you to everyone at LiviRae and the cast & crew of ‘Double Divas’ for helping me find under gear that’ll keep my puppies in check! I’ll keep you all posted on the air date of my tv appearance for @DoubleDivasTV on Lifetime. It was a crack up!”
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