Big E Receives Generous Offer From DDP Following Neck Injury
Big E suffered two fractured vertebrae in his neck as a result of a suplex gone wrong this past Friday night during SmackDown. Now, a WWE Hall of Famer wants to help out.
During a tag team match on SmackDown, Big E was given an overhead belly-to-belly suplex by Ridge Holland. Big E landed directly on top of his head, suffering the injury in the process. Big E later published updates on his status via social, both on Friday night and on Saturday.
WWE legend Diamond Dallas Page saw what happened and wants to help out. In a message posted to his own social media account, Page made the following offer to Big E:
“After last nights #SMACKDOWN my heart goes out to my brother @wwebige If you need me brother I got you, after Ciampa & Ivar got done with their broken neck rehab they both came to my crib and stayed a few days with me to [DDP yoga] Rebuild ? @austincreedwins has my # ? don’t hesitate to reach out my friend! @wwe #wwe YOU got THIS! DDP”
As noted, other WWE stars have stayed with DDP in the past following rehab.
Luckily, Big E’s spinal cord and ligaments were not damaged in the injury and he will not have to undergo surgery.
Four months ago, Big E gave an interview where he discussed the need to protect one’s opponent during a wrestling match.
“There’s a certain level of trust you have with someone in what we do, because it is entertainment,” said Big E. “And I have to trust that you’re not going to dump me on my head and break my neck. So, if you respect me, I’ll respect you, we take care of each other and we’ll go home to our families, we pay our bills and we get to move on with our lives.”
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