Home News DDP Comments On Potential WWE Return, Memories Of Savage

DDP Comments On Potential WWE Return, Memories Of Savage


Arda Ocal and Jimmy Korderas of Right After Wrestling Radio on The Score on SIRIUS 158 recently spoke with Diamond Dallas Page. Highlights:

DDP on possibly coming back to the WWE in the future & how he is doing today: “I spoke to Johnny Ace about this…I haven’t heard back from him on it. I told him I would love to do some kind of PR. Some public relations. That sort of thing is what Vince [McMahon] wanted me to do when I left. He wanted me to stay and be the color-commentator but I was burnt out of wrestling for so many years and I needed a break. Long story short, 10 years later I’m still doing pretty well but I would love to be a part of the WWE family.”

What DDP thinks of the whole Kurt Angle/Randy Orton “finishing move” situation: “The thing is you don’t use the guy’s finish in the same company. If you’re in TNA and Kurt Angle is using the Ankle Lock, then you don’t do it in that company because Kurt will really take your ankle and put you in it and break your ankle. But if you’re in the WWE or the independent circuit, it is what it is. I don’t know what’s happening between Randy [Orton] and Kurt [Angle] but I love Randy using the RKO. Being it’s a version of the Diamond Cutter, people will think of me whenever he hits that move. And I think Randy is the greatest wrestler in the World…I think he is the very best. ”

Memories of working with Macho Man Randy Savage in WCW: “[My favorite match with Randy Savage was our first one at Spring Stampede] because that’s where he put me over. We were doing house shows and one night in Florence, South Carolina, Arn Anderson walked into the locker room and he was the agent. He asked Macho what he wanted to do tonight and Randy said, ‘I think I wanna take the Diamond Cutter’, and it almost knocked Arn over. Arn asked me if I knew how much of an honor that was and I was like, ‘ummm yeah’! When I hit the Diamond Cutter the crowd exploded. When the referee slid down, the entire place was counting 1-2-3 and the crowd exploded again – and Randy (while laying there) said to me, “I think we have our finish to Spring Stampede’!”