Home News Demolition: Road Warrior Ripoff Claims, Mr. Fuji & More (Video)

Demolition: Road Warrior Ripoff Claims, Mr. Fuji & More (Video)


Interview with Former WWE Tag champions Demolition
Hosted by Arda Ocal (@arda_ocal) of TheScore.com

Why the original Smash Randy Colley (Moondog Rex) was replaced by Barry Darsow:

Bill Eadie : “It was well known that Randy was part of the Moondogs. To try to have another persona, your also popular as that previous persona. It was fortunte for me cause Randy is a good friend of mine, but Barry is alot more professional, and a much closer friend.”

Barry Darsow: “When I got the call to come up there, Vince called me and told me I have the chance to be partners with Bill Eadie, I just said yes right away, I just jumped at the chance.”

If Demoition are a rip off of the Road Warriors: (Eadie) “We knew what we could do, we felt we were successful. I thought we did it better. This is an ego driven business, so if you don’t have confidence in yourself, you need to get out of the business. There’s gonna be fans that say that we are rip offs, but there’s gonna be Demolition fans that say they (Road Warriors) were the rip offs. I cant be worried about that. My main concern and his (Barry Darsow) main concern is we went to work each day, and we did the best we could.”

Other Topics Discussed Include:

– Why Demolition is so popular compared to their other personas and which personas they enjoyed working as the most

– Who came up with the Demolition character

– Were Demolition better as a babyface or heel tag team

– How important Mr. Fuji was to the success of the team

Here’s a video clip of the interview: