WWE held another tryout camp at the Performance Center over the weekend in hopes of signing the next round of NXT performers.
WWE has publicly stated that they’re looking to beef up the NXT roster as the brand continues to tour the United States in 2016. The acquisition spree has led to companies like New Japan and Ring of Honor signing many of performers to longterm deals.
Courtesy of Squared Circle Sirens, here’s the complete list of who was in attendance:
- Cedric Alexander
- Taynara Melo
- Deonna Purrazzo
- Tony Nese
- Corey Hollis
- John Skyler
- Justin Chavers
- Chris Payne
- Kamila Turquetti
- Marcus Pitt
- Bryan Payton
- Jeremy Payton
- Maneey Abrol
- Jose Moreno
- Brennan Williams
- Roy Sims
- Danny Duggan
- Idan Dagan
- David McIntosh
- Kuba Ka
- Noelle Jones
- Mike Fierro
- Mike Parrow
- Rhett Giddins
- Laura James
- Anne Phung
- Jayme Jameson
- Marja Chow
- Shana Chow
- Jenna Becerra