– Seth Rollins announced Twitter that he and Cesaro will be filming an episode of “Ride Along” for the WWE Network tonight after RAW.
Filming an episode of Ride Along with @WWECesaro tonight. Send some questions and use the hashtag #bobandtonymakintowns
— Seth Rollins (@WWERollins) December 12, 2016
– WWE.com has an article up looking at last week’s WWE tryout camp from Melbourne, Australia. More than 20 independent wrestlers were on hand, including Jonah Rock and Luke Guyett (members of TM61’s former Mighty Don’t Kneel stable), Shazza McKenzie Alison (has wrestled for NXT, SHIMMER and Shine), Adam Brooks (previously teamed with NXT’s Buddy Murphy) Aussie native Kellyanne Salter, who has competed in the US, Mexico and Canada.
The articles notes that WWE scouts also held smaller tryouts earlier on recent NXT live tour in Osaka, Japan, and Perth, Australia.