Dolph Ziggler has had a rough few days. On Sunday, he lost his WWE Championship match against Dean Ambrose. It didn’t feel like a big match at all. One could attribute that to it’s placement on the card or the fact that the feud had a poor build heading into Summerslam. On this week’s episode of Smackdown, Ziggler had a chance to redeem himself. He has spent the past few weeks trying to prove to the WWE Universe that he is a main-eventer and that he belongs on the big stage. If Ziggler defeated AJ Styles on Smackdwon, he would have been added to the WWE Championship match at Backlash. While Ziggler had a terrific match with Styles, he once again came up short. So what is next for Dolph Ziggler? Is it a run at the Intercontinental Championship? Or does Ziggler fall right back to the bottom of the card?
Zigger has always been a Superstar that has baffled me. He is a former World Heavyweight Champion and on the surface it seems like he has a lot of fans out there. However, the crowd in Brooklyn was completely silent for his WWE Championship match at Summerslam this past Sunday. In my opinion, Dolph Ziggler should be going for the Intercontinental Championship. I don’t know how many times the WWE can book him to come up short in big matches before the WWE Universe stops taking him seriously. A lot of people have already stopped viewing him as a viable contender for the WWE Championship. Ziggler has all the in-ring talent in the world, is it the microphone that is holding him back? I find that hard to believe because Finn Balor isn’t great at cutting promos but the WWE strapped a rocket to him and he became the first Universal Champion at Summerslam. Finn Balor then had his title reign cut drastically short due to injury, which is also something that happened to Ziggler in the past. It will be interesting to see if the same thing that has happened to Ziggler happens to Balor when he makes his return.
Do you think Dolph Ziggler belongs in the main event and is being misused by the WWE? Has his chance to have a substantial title reign passed him by? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
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