– Actor Kelci Jones, who played the character of “Big Jimmy” on RAW during the crowd segment featuring R-Truth, wrote the following on Facebook about his RAW appearance:
“Got to get sweated by R-Truth and be in the ring with Cena. And Vince McMahon likes my swagger…uh yeah life is good!!!”
– Maryse and Eve Torres took to Twitter and commented on Kharma’s announcement on RAW that she is pregnant and will be off WWE television until next year. Eve wrote:
“Didn’t expect that one! I respect @Kharma for BeliEVEing & following her dreams. Just not when it involved planting my face into the ground.”
Maryse had the following heel remarks for Kharma:
“I volunteer to give @Kharma a treadmill…its my baby gift to her”
“Btw for all haters, stop hating im a HUGE @kharma fan myself, ill buy the baby some awesome gap onesie… And also maybe some baby louis vuitton flats…”