Home News Dolph Ziggler On WWE Creative: ‘You Rarely Get What You Want’

Dolph Ziggler On WWE Creative: ‘You Rarely Get What You Want’

Dolph Ziggler On WWE Creative: ‘You Rarely Get What You Want’
(via WWE)

Dolph Ziggler has been with WWE for over 15 years. He has seen the highs and lows of being a talent in the company and has become well versed in dealing with the infamous WWE creative. The NXT champion appeared on After The Bell podcast where he talked about dealing with all the sudden plan changes.

Ziggler who recently revealed that his NXT title win was a last-minute decision as well, mentioned that you rarely get what you want in the company:

“It’s not even, ‘You don’t always get to do what you want to do.’ It’s, ‘You rarely get to do what you want to do.’ You might be a champion one day, and then the next day, you’re not on the show.”

Dolph Ziggler noted how you can go from being one of the hottest acts to not being on the card the next day. According to him, it’s not always personal:

“It’s like, ‘We need to get this Roman-Brock story on. This is the part, and we need you to do this, this, and this, and you’re gonna have to sacrifice a few other pieces.’ A lot of times, two thirds of the roster is being sacrificed. and you go, ‘That’s going to be you no matter whether you’re new or old.’”

With all this trouble many wonder why he has not quit the company yet. Ziggler answered the question saying that “They never missed one check, so I appreciate that.” Though elsewhere he also claimed that you get a high once in a while which almost makes it worthwhile because you trucked around.

How do you feel about Dolph Ziggler’s assessment of the WWE creative? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section.

Thanks to WrestlingNews for the quotes